What is RTZ doing in Orissa?
REPORT What is RTZ doing in Orissa? Xavier Dias The points given below were collected from information I gathered after visiting the site of the proposed ‘Rio Tinto Orissa Mining Limited’ RTOML, in the District of Koenjhar, Orissa State, India. By interacting with the village elders,
Uranium Mining – Where the debate begins
Uranium Mining – Where the debate begins. The Case of Jadugoda. Xavier Dias Article written for Ecologist Asia In his village they call him ‘Tublu’, a football-loving boy. Last September he completed his home surgery with great aspiration. He is the first doctor from his
Sustainable Development, Policy Issues & Global Governance
Sustainable Development, Policy Issues & Global Governance INEC/ODAF/CSE Vishakapatnam A.P. India March 21-22 2002 Sustainable Mining a Contradiction in terms Xavier Dias Regional Coordinator mines minerals & People.
To the Shunned One
To the Shunned One As dawn rises to spread your light, blessings over one and all, we your children
Mining and People’s Culture
Pyara Kerketta Foundation & B.I.R.S.A. (Bindrai Institute for Research Study & Action ) 16th December 2003 – Hazaribagh JHARKHAND Mining and People’s Culture[1] – Xavier Dias Can we sing in these bad times? Yes, let us sing of the bad times. Bertolt Brecht Culture & its Economic Roots Culture is not shaped by people alone […]
Independence and the Marginalised
Independence and the Marginalised The first revolt against the East India Company was by the Kol tribe in present day Jharkhand. The Adivasis or first
A Global Battleground
A Global Battleground Economic and Political weekly Xavier Dias. September 10, 1994 The Gulliver File, Mines, People and Land a global Battleground
What is Happening in Jharkhand Deshum today 2010
The paper below was presented as the Concept Note[1] for a National Campaign & Consultation: Who are the barbarians on our Homeland? at Bagachia Conference Centre Namkum Ranchi Jharkhand[2] (India) on 8 – 9 June 2010. The delegates then voted that the Concept Note be circulated to all corners of our land as an annexure […]
Final NC Declaration 9 June English
National Campaign & Consultation Jharkhand 2010 Who are the barbarians on our homeland? Declaration This declaration is being made by us delegates attending the National Campaign & Consultation: Who are the barbarians on our Homeland? at Bagachia Conference Centre Namkum Ranchi Jharkhand[1].